Hi, first of all thank You very much, Your solutions works great!
I have a little question. I use your Smartmenu script with Bootstrap 3.3.4 Navbar, and I have changed breakpoint width for responsive navbar from 768px to 800px in Bootstrap CSS.
When I resized a webiste, Smartmenu looks good from 0px to 768px, but from 769px to 800px Smartmenu displays a standard dropdowns in second level, when I expected more reponsive look 🙂
I tried to write some media-queries conditions in jquery.smartmenus.bootstrap.css, but it does not work.
@media screen and (max-width: 800px) {
.navbar-nav .collapsible {width:auto !important;}
.navbar-nav .collapsible ul{display:none;position:static !important;top:auto !important;left:auto !important;margin-left:0 !important;margin-top:0 !important;width:auto !important;min-width:0 !important;max-width:none !important;}
.navbar-nav .collapsible>li{float:none;}
.navbar-nav .collapsible>li>a,.navbar-nav .collapsible ul.sm-nowrap>li>a{white-space:normal;}
.navbar-nav .collapsible iframe{display:none;}
Is there a hidden option in JS/CSS files to change breakpoint/max-width for good look resposnive bootstrap navbar?
I uploaded a sample picture: http://i.imgur.com/L89LX0U.png