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Expand but auto Collapse after

Home Forums Latest release 1.1.x + Bootstrap addon Expand but auto Collapse after

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  • #8406

    Hi and thank you for this nice tool.

    I have generated the following menu using KNP Menus and Nested Sets in Symfony and I behave the following issue:

    when in mobile and click on the + buttons which appear at the right side of each li item, I get the expand behavior but the menu collapse immediatelly back.

    The menu structure I did used is:
    <ul class=”nav navbar-nav sm sm-blue sm-collapsible” id=”main-menu” data-smartmenus-id=”15487651135439114″>
    <li class=”only-full”> 1
    <li class=”only-full”> <a href=”/app_dev.php/categorii/2.html” class=”has-submenu” id=”sm-15487651135366206-1″
    aria-haspopup=”true” aria-controls=”sm-15487651135366206-2″ aria-expanded=”false”> 2 <span class=”sub-arrow”></span>
    <ul class=”menu_level_1″ id=”sm-15487651135366206-2″ role=”group” aria-hidden=”true” aria-labelledby=”sm-15487651135366206-1″
    aria-expanded=”false” style=”width: auto; display: none;”>
    <li class=”only-full first”> <a href=”/app_dev.php/categorii/2-1.html” class=”has-submenu” id=”sm-15487651135366206-3″
    aria-haspopup=”true” aria-controls=”sm-15487651135366206-4″ aria-expanded=”false”> 2.1 <span class=”sub-arrow”></span>
    <ul class=”menu_level_2″ id=”sm-15487651135366206-4″ role=”group” aria-hidden=”true” aria-labelledby=”sm-15487651135366206-3″
    aria-expanded=”false” style=”width: auto; display: none;”>
    <li class=”only-full first”> 2.1.1
    <li class=”only-full last”> 2.1.2

    <li class=”only-full last”> <a href=”/app_dev.php/categorii/2-2.html” class=”has-submenu” id=”sm-15487651135366206-5″
    aria-haspopup=”true” aria-controls=”sm-15487651135366206-6″ aria-expanded=”false”> 2.2 <span class=”sub-arrow”></span>
    <ul class=”menu_level_2 sm-nowrap” id=”sm-15487651135366206-6″ role=”group” aria-hidden=”true”
    aria-labelledby=”sm-15487651135366206-5″ aria-expanded=”false” style=”width: auto; min-width: 10em; display: none; max-width: 20em; top: auto; left: 0px; margin-left: 136px; margin-top: -46.6667px;”>
    <li class=”only-full first”> 2.2.1
    <li class=”only-full last”> 2.2.2

    <li class=”only-full last”> 3

    Can you please tell me how to fix it ?

    I’ve tried to add in my document ready

    /* Smart menus */
    /* fix the not opening when mobile */
    $( “.sub-arrow” ).on( “click”, function() {
    $(“input[type=checkbox]”).each(function () {

    and I see clicked 3 times with that code above.

    If run in the console $(‘.sub-arrow’).parent().trigger(‘click’) I get the correct expand.
    How to fix the on click in my case ? What I am doing wrong, please ?


    I am just now deactivating several css I am using there and it seems to be related to some other checkboxes I have for the GDPR on the same page ?


    This is the menu I am generating with JS disable

    <ul class="nav navbar-nav sm sm-mint" id="main-menu">
        <li class="only-full first"> <a href="/app_dev.php/categorii/noutati.html">
        <li class="only-full"> <a href="/app_dev.php/categorii/1.html">
        <li class="only-full"> <a href="/app_dev.php/categorii/2.html">
            <ul class="menu_level_1">
                <li class="only-full first"> <a href="/app_dev.php/categorii/2-1.html">
                    <ul class="menu_level_2">
                        <li class="only-full first"> <a href="/app_dev.php/categorii/2-1-1.html">
                        <li class="only-full last"> <a href="/app_dev.php/categorii/2-1-2.html">
                <li class="only-full last"> <a href="/app_dev.php/categorii/2-2.html">
                    <ul class="menu_level_2">
                        <li class="only-full first"> <a href="/app_dev.php/categorii/2-2-1.html">
                        <li class="only-full last"> <a href="/app_dev.php/categorii/2-2-2.html">
        <li class="only-full last"> <a href="/app_dev.php/categorii/3.html">

    Please close this as the menu structure I used was different ;). Thnak you

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