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First Level menu issue

Home Forums Older releases 0.9.x First Level menu issue

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  • #1357

    I am using SM Clean vertical menus. Two menus are coming in single line if they have small display text. How can I make sure they always come in a new line.


    Could you please post an URL to a live demo because I don’t understand exactly what you mean? Or at least try to explain how to reproduce it.. Thanks!


    I have menu hierarchy up to 3 levels. If I make First Level menu font smaller than the default (14px) then few First Level menus displayed in same line.
    For example in below: I have first level menus. Assuming I made font size smaller (8px). In this case Menu1 and Menu2 displayed in the same line which is wrong.

    This is wrong
    Menu1 > Menu2 >
    MoreMenu1 >
    MoreMenu2 >

    This is correct (Expected result)
    Menu1 >
    Menu2 >
    MoreMenu1 >
    MoreMenu2 >

    Thanks in advance


    I am not able to reproduce this on the default demo page. It’s probably caused by some custom CSS you have on your page. Please post a live demo URL if you like and I can check it for you.


    I found the problem. I have missed to add sm-veritcal class in main html tag. I had these classes “sm sm-clean sm-clean-vertical”. When I replaced those with these classes “sm sm-clean sm-vertical sm-clean-vertical” then it started working fine.
    Thanks for all your help.


    OK, np, glad to hear you’ve figured it out!

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