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hamburger menu not being removed

Home Forums Older releases 1.0.x hamburger menu not being removed

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  • #3115

    I have a site i am playing with ( but in mobile mode i can not get the (hamburger) menu to vanish once i have picked an item.

    the main “desktop” mode works fine.

    Your main site ( exhibits the behaviour i am looking for.

    currently I click the hamburger, then click (say) county meets, then select an item.

    the sub menus collapse, but the main menu does not.

    I implimented the patched code suggested in the forum, and the hamburger from the Docs section


    I saw you are using an iframe to load your links inside, so you could use, for example, something like this:

    // simulate a click on the menu toggle button on menu item select in mobile view
    $('#main-menu').bind('select.smapi', function(e, item) {
    	var obj = $(this).data('smartmenus');
    	if (obj.isCollapsible()) {

    Thank you: However the event doesn’t seem to fire when I test it so I am no further forward.

    I wondered if it was because I added the code from the Docs page to toggle the hamburger (I did not get the hamburger displayed until I added that code), so there may be an interaction I am not aware of



    Put the code right after your SmartMenus init code:

                        hideOnClick: true  //, isPopup: true;
    //subMenusSubOffsetX: 1,
    //                  subMenusSubOffsetY: -8

    so that it’s called ondomready just like the above and it should work.


    You’re right: that’s MUCH better: Thank you.


    After a while live, we’ve noticed a curious behaviour.

    On a PC, the menus are expanded with a click, and if you mouse-click away from the menu, they are removed.

    However on an iPad, clicking away doesn’t hide the menu – the only way to remove it is to select an item (or change the URL or reload the page)

    The hamburger menu on an iPhone behaves similarly – but in that case the changing of the hamburger menu to an “X” means that you can remove the menu. But clicking away from the menu won’t do that.

    I don’t know if it’s because a mouse-click will remove it but a finger touch won’t .. I don’t have a mouse on the iPad or a touch on the PC!



    This is caused by the following customization you are using:

    // SmartMenus mod - hide the menus on document click just in collapsible mode
    $.SmartMenus.prototype._docClick = $.SmartMenus.prototype.docClick;
    $.SmartMenus.prototype._docTouchEnd = $.SmartMenus.prototype.docTouchEnd;
    $.SmartMenus.prototype.docClick = function (e) {
        if (this.isCollapsible()) {
    $.SmartMenus.prototype.docTouchEnd = function (e) {
        if (this.isCollapsible()) {

    If you remove it, the sub menus should be hidden on tap on iPad.


    Hmm They aren’t though (see The menus stay up
    until one is selected…

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