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Help with collapsing menu (hamburger)

Home Forums Latest release 1.1.x Help with collapsing menu (hamburger)

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  • #8331

    Hi all, first time visitor and user of this, hopeful that I can get it to work as it looks superb. I am trying to get the complete navbar sm blue version working and toggle the visibility of the menu. I have a problem in that when I click on “toggle main menu visibility”, the menu hides briefly for a millisecond but then re-appears. I’ve double checked my scripts against the jsfiddle scripts and can’t see any difference. Has anyone had experience of this and how did they fix it (if so)> Am I able to post my script/example somewhere if someone would be kind to triple check for me please? Many thanks, Rob.


    Hi Rob. Another first time Rob here.

    I had this same problem which I just resolved. I was also having a problem with bootstrap datetimepicker not working
    (edit:223 Uncaught TypeError: $(…).datetimepicker is not a function)
    which was caused by pulling in a second copy of jquery as noted here:

    Fixing that also fixed the problem with the collapsing menu.

    Hope this helps if you haven’t already resolved it.


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