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hover for width bigger then 768px click for smaller

Home Forums Older releases 0.9.x hover for width bigger then 768px click for smaller

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  • #2623

    hi and thanks for your work

    is there any way to achieve this : submenus to expand on hover for width bigger then 768px and on click for smaller


    Yes, I am not sure what exact behavior you would like, so you can try any of these (add it after the SmartMenus init code):

    1) Toggling the showOnClick option – when it’s true, it makes the menu behave like desktop application menus – i.e. click to activate the sub menus, then hover to show/hide them until another click deactivates them:

    $(function() {
    	var winW;
    	function toggleMenuShowOnClick() {
    		var newW = $(window).width();
    		if (newW != winW) {
    			$('#main-menu').data('smartmenus').opts.showOnClick = newW < 768;
    			winW = newW;
    	$(window).bind('resize', toggleMenuShowOnClick);

    2) Toggling touch mode detection - allows you to simulate the touch mode behavior on desktop - i.e. users always need to click to show/hide sub menus:

    $(function() {
    	$.SmartMenus.prototype.original_isTouchMode = $.SmartMenus.prototype.isTouchMode;
    	var winW;
    	function toggleMenuTouchMode() {
    		var newW = $(window).width();
    		if (newW != winW) {
    			if (newW < 768) {
    				$.SmartMenus.prototype.isTouchMode = function() { return true; };
    			} else {
    				$.SmartMenus.prototype.isTouchMode = $.SmartMenus.prototype.original_isTouchMode;
    			winW = newW;
    	$(window).bind('resize', toggleMenuTouchMode);

    Note that checking $(window).width() may not perfectly match your CSS breakpoint switching in some cases (due to scrollbars in desktop browsers) so if you want perfect match, you may consider some solutions like:



    thanks a lot for your help

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