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IE8 Support in new version

Home Forums Latest release 1.1.x IE8 Support in new version

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  • #8332

    I downloaded the latest release and created a sample menu. Everything works fine in Chrome or IE.

    However the application I want to use this in has pages that still require IE to run in compatibility mode, therefore this menu (which will either be housed in a frame or embedded within the pages themselves) needs to run in compatibility mode.

    If I try to view the menu that way it looks completely different (horizontal instead of vertical as well as other issues).

    Can this work in IE with compatibility mode on (meta tag <meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=EmulateIE9″ />) or is it a lost cause..?

    I’d really like to use this menu because it’s easy to use and looks great – but am bound by needing it to work for IE Compatibility mode.


    I meant it’s vertical instead of horizontal

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