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Incomplete support for mobile devices

Home Forums Older releases 1.0.x Incomplete support for mobile devices

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  • #3533

    I installed Smartmenus using the sm-mint.css version, tweaked the settings as necessary to get it working with a web site, and got the menu toggle button working. On doing in-depth testing, I found the menu to work correctly in Chrome, Firefox, and IE desktop browsers and with iPhones, but there is a serious issue with several other mobile devices, including LG phones, Samsung phones, and Kindle devices (seemingly those with Android operating systems). When viewing the menu on the devices with issues, the hamburger is visible, and when it is tapped, the first level of the menu appears, but on those menu items that have sub-menus (which are indicated with a + sign in this css version) none of the plus signs are visible, and if you tap where they should be, no sub-menus appear. The code for the menu is good, because if you view the page in a desktop browser with the window not maximized, and grab the right side of the browser window and move it to the left to make the window progressively narrower, you will eventually see the narrow view as set via css for mobile devices, and in the desktop browsers, the + signs indicating sub menus are available are visible. You can view my test page at Any information on how to fix the missing + sub-menu indicators for these mobile devices would be appreciated.


    Ohh wow finally I got the solution of my issue on installing smart menus, I am facing a similar issue with my iPhone, I bought it last month from reecoupons, now after follow your step I will let you.

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