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Is there a way to reduce the height of the horizontal navbar

Home Forums Older releases 1.0.x Is there a way to reduce the height of the horizontal navbar

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  • #9027

    Hello everyone,
    Is it possible to reduce the height of the menu bar? It currently weighs in at about 49px tall. I am adding it below a pre-set header that isn’t very large. I’d like to shave off about 12-15px above and below the links, if possible.

    I’ve been able to set the font sizes successfully, but it doesn’t reduce the navbar’s height. I’ve tweaked some other padding but nothing that affects the overall size of container.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


    Hi, you will most probably need to change the default line-height if the vertical padding is not enough for you. For example, for the “sm-blue” theme you can test it from the following URL:

    Find and change the following SASS variable and note how it looks on the preview below:

    // ----------------------------------------------------------
    // :: 1.3. Typography
    // ----------------------------------------------------------
    $sm-blue__line-height:			23px !default;
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