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Make submenu slide open/close

Home Forums Older releases 1.0.x + Bootstrap addon Make submenu slide open/close

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  • #3439

    I absolutely love this script! Exactly how I think a mobile menu should work. Thank you.

    When I open my main menu, it slides open. However, when I open my submenu, it just immediately appears.

    Is there a way to make the submenu slide open as well?


    So I figured out the opening part. In jquery.smartmenus.bootstrap.js, change collapsibleShowFunction: null on line 41 to:

    collapsibleShowFunction: function($ul, complete) {
    	$ul.slideDown(200, function() {

    However, I haven’t quite figured out the closing. I tried doing the same thing with collapsibleHideFunction, but it still seems to jump closed.


    Yep, as you’ve noticed, by default the addon mimics Bootstrap’s default behavior so the sub menus are not animated in collapsible mode. So, you would need the following options:

    collapsibleShowFunction: function($ul, complete) {
    	$ul.slideDown(200, complete);
    collapsibleHideFunction: function($ul, complete) {
    	$ul.slideUp(200, function() {

    And also another small change in “jquery.smartmenus.bootstrap.js” – comment out/remove the following code:

    'hide.smapi': function(e, menu) {

    Alternatively, if you would like to avoid editing “jquery.smartmenus.bootstrap.js”, you could add the options directly in the HTML source in a data-sm-options attribute:

    and add the following JS code on your page after the link to “jquery.smartmenus.bootstrap.js”:

    $(function() {


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