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Non collasping on opening page

Home Forums Older releases 0.9.x Non collasping on opening page

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  • #1340

    Hi, I’ve been implementing SmartMenus as a plugin to our CMS and it’s working great now. Almost…

    I have an issue with the mobile menu not being collapsed when opening or resizing a page.
    I have the HTML code as

    ul id="main-menu" class="sm collapsed {$OPTI..."

    but it’s being overwritten by the


    if I remove the click function it works correctly (though of course the click function doesn’t!).

    I’m sure I’ve missed something…


    Not sure what exactly might be causing this. One possible reason for it might be if you have added the “collapsed” class to your menu button link too – e.g.:

    <a id="menu-button" class="collapsed"></a>

    That link should look like this in your source:

    <a id="menu-button"></a>

    If this is not it, then I will need to look at some sort of live demo in order to investigate it so please provide such if possible.


    Fixed now – the script it wasn’t being initialized properly.

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