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Parent empty links with submenu - don't hide on click (do nothing)

Home Forums Latest release 1.1.x Parent empty links with submenu - don't hide on click (do nothing)

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  • #9075

    hi guys, great plugin!

    We have this case (from the top of my head)

    <li><a href="/balal">my entry</a></li>
    <li><a href="#!">my entry2</a>
     <li><a href="/balal">my NESTED entry 1</a></li>
     <li><a href="#!">my NESTED entry 2</a>
      <li><a href="/balal">my NESTED 2 entry 1</a></li>
      <li><a href="/balal">my NESTED 2 entry 2</a>

    on click on

    my entry2


    my NESTED entry 2

    we want the menu to stay open and do nothing.

    Currently, the menu closes and nothing happens

    there is an option
    hideOnClick: false

    but that would mean it wouldn’t hide the menu if the click “works”


    I need the menu to stay open and do nothing. So I would like to know how to do it.

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