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vertical menu in mega menu container - hover on vertical menu closes the horizontal menu

Home Forums Older releases 0.9.x vertical menu in mega menu container - hover on vertical menu closes the horizontal menu

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  • #1359

    i have horizontal menu which opens content in an mega menu.
    in this i have a vertical menu.

    the mega container opens, but when i hover on the vertical menu items, the mega container closes?

    both initialised by this code:
    subMenusSubOffsetX: 1,
    subMenusSubOffsetY: -8
    subMenusSubOffsetX: 1,
    subMenusSubOffsetY: -8

    to see it in action look here:


    Sorry, for the delay! I was on a summer vacation.

    Having a menu tree inside another menu tree is not a tested and supported scenario and all kinds of things could go wrong with events detection, etc. So, unfortunately, I can only recommend you to avoid it.

    Multiple menu trees are supported but not if they are nested.

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