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  • marinel2v

    UPDATE :

    This display:flex; problem is only on Google Chrome.
    It works perfectly well in Firefox and Edge…

    in reply to: Change the Breakpoint #3530

    Hello Admin !

    I changed the breakpoint in the bootstrap css, however, there is an issue with the + and the caret both showing from 768px to 992px.
    Any idea how to fix this?

    Thank you ! 🙂


    UPDATE :

    I have found where the first and second problems come from… but it makes no sense !

    I applied display:flex; to the ul.navbar-nav (à paraitre -> tout savoir), because I need the menu to take all the width of the row.

    I dont know why, but this specific lines results in the .sm-collapsible applied on load to the ul.navbar-nav element.
    And if this class is not applied on desktop, then my two first problems are resolved.

    But how is the display style messing with the JS ? It doesn’t make sense !

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