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  • in reply to: Hiding the dropdown menu at the desktop level only #2707

    Thanks a bunch for the help and quick response! That worked perfectly.

    in reply to: Hiding the dropdown menu at the desktop level only #2704

    One more follow-up.

    Using the code you provided above, would it be possible to target only a specific dropdown menu versus all dropdown menus.

    The “#main-menu” targets the ul (all dropdowns).

    I tried adding the li id (#menu-item-164) to the code to target the specific dropdown, but that didn’t work.

    $('#main-menu #menu-item-164').bind('activate.smapi'

    I also tried adding the li class (.menu-item-164) to the code to target the specific dropdown, but that didn’t work either.

    $('#main-menu .menu-item-164').bind('activate.smapi'

    Any help would be appreciated.


    in reply to: Hiding the dropdown menu at the desktop level only #2703

    Thanks for the quick response and help. That worked great!

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