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First v2.0.0 alpha released

Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2024 brings peace, love and joy to all of you!

It has finally come the time to release a first public alpha of the v2.0.0 code that I have been working on with varying intensity for quite a long time. This has taken me far longer than I would have liked due to many reasons (client projects, family, two kids and what not) but I am happy to finally share the code with the hopes that it will be useful to others.

SmartMenus Configurator

A new configurator tool is now available that allows configuring and testing your preferred navbar(s) layout and provides dynamic instructions/code samples based on the exact configuration. You can check it out at:


The docs for all future v2 releases will be available at:

The source code of the configurator and docs is now hosted in the main repo at GitHub so please feel free to contribute and/or suggest any improvements.

Source code

You can find the code in the new 2.0.0-dev branch at GitHub:

It has also been published to npm:

What's new (in short)

  • Complete rewrite of the JS code with no external library dependencies (jQuery) any more
  • Refactored script options considering support for both single page applications (SPA) as well as (can we now call it old school?) full page reloads
  • Support for arbitrary menu tree HTML structure via new script options
  • Support for complete navbars (including nav toggler buttons, offcanvas/collapse elements, etc.)
  • Support for split links - i.e. parent menu items that have both a link and a sub toggler
  • Complete rewrite of the CSS code with support for many different navbar/nav variants (thousands of combinations supported)
  • Highly customizable theme via CSS/SASS variables

Well, I think that's all for now. Happy coding! 🙂

SmartMenus jQuery v1.0.0 final released

First of all, Happy New Year everyone! We hope you've had wonderful holidays and wish you all the best in 2016! 🙂

Now to some long-awaited news from us. More than 2 years after the first public release we are excited and happy to finally reach the v1.0.0 milestone. It's been a long journey, far, far longer than we initially planned and expected but we feel it was worth it and the project has evolved and matured into something we can proudly stand behind.