Create advanced Bootstrap 3 navbars with SmartMenus jQuery (zero config)
A brand new small addon for SmartMenus jQuery is now available which takes Bootstrap 3 compatibility to a whole new level. It brings zero config support for creating advanced Bootstrap 3 navbars. Zero config means that you basically just need to include the JS/CSS files on your Bootstrap-powered pages and everything should work automatically including full support for whatever Bootstrap theme you already use.
By default Bootstrap supports just single-level dropdowns for navbars and lacks some important features like hover activation support for regular mouse-powered browsers, viewport size detection (meaning your dropdowns might appear outside the viewport and not be usable in some scenarios), scrolling support for long menus that do not fully fit in the viewport, auto width for the dropdowns with min/max settings, etc. The new super simple-to-use SmartMenus Bootstrat 3 addon brings all these and all other SmartMenus jQuery features to all Bootstrap 3 users.
Of course, we have demo pages with quick instructions for you (and they're also included in the download package):
- SmartMenus Bootstrap Addon (Navbar)
- SmartMenus Bootstrap Addon (Navbar static top)
- SmartMenus Bootstrap Addon (Navbar fixed top)
- SmartMenus Bootstrap Addon (Navbar fixed bottom)
Please don't hesitate to post your comments in the forums or via Twitter so we can nail down any possible issue we might have missed while testing internally.